I saw how young they were, boys with apple cheeks, too young to shave. Like me.
I knew, with youth's intuitive optimism, that something was not ended. Something had begun.
A society that devours its own young deserves no automatic or unquestioning allegiance.
When I was young, I asked more of people than they could give; everlasting friendship, endless feeling.
When you're young, you think everything you do is disposable. You move from now to now, crumpling time up in your hands, tossing it away.
A man will stand stock-still, hearing his youth in the distant Latin chanting of a train.
Day by day, I am remade into someone else, and I wonder if age will ever leave her tracks on my face. I’m sixteen now and I will be almost flawless forever. That thought helps me fall asleep at night, secure in my place here, but it also wakes me up trembling with nightmares.
Young men are almost all subject to a law which seems inexplicable but is in fact to be accounted for by their very youth and headlong pursuit of pleasure. Rich or poor, they never have enough money for the necessities of life, whereas they can always find enough for their whims.