We both spend more time laughing than dancing, but I feel light, like I'm full of air. Like I don't have a care in the world. For a moment, I am happy.
If there's one thing the Coventry has taught me, it's that lying always serves someone's purpose.
Remembrance is never useless.
The truth has a way of changing to suit the purpose of those in charge.
I erase and rebuild the world in my sleep, and in the morning I try to remember how to rebuild myself.
Day by day, I am remade into someone else, and I wonder if age will ever leave her tracks on my face. I’m sixteen now and I will be almost flawless forever. That thought helps me fall asleep at night, secure in my place here, but it also wakes me up trembling with nightmares.
Wild creatures are happy enough if they don’t know they’re being kept in a cage.