Paulo Coelho, quotes

Everything on the face of the Earth is constantly being transformed because the Earth is alive and has a Soul.

A blessing rejected becomes a curse.

Anyone who interferes in the destiny of others will never discover his own.

God exists wherever He is allowed to enter.

Love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love.

People are never satisfied.

The way up to the top of the mountain is always longer than you think. Don’t fool yourself, the moment will arrive when what seemed so near is still very far.

Transformations always occur during moments of crisis.

It’s best to view humankind from on high. Only then can we see how very small we are.

Perhaps artists have more freedom.

But death is just a door into another dimension.

Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The landscape changes, the people change, our needs change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station.

If you want to see a rainbow you have to learn to like the rainbow

Slaves to luxury, to the appearance of luxury, to the appearance of the appearance of luxury.

It’s better to live cherishing a dream than face the possibility that it might all come to nothing.