Money, quotes

Poor blacks hated. Poor whites hated. It was only when blacks got money and whites got money that they mixed.

Well, we are a famously unprofitable company. And that is a conscious strategy and an investment decision.

Sometimes the lengths to which I'll go for money appall me.

Money is a needful and precious thing--and, when well used, a noble thing--but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for.

A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.

It’s better to be a stray dog in this world than a man without money. I’ve tried both ways and I know. A poor man stinks and God hates him.

Oh, that’s a cruelty of being poor; it leaves you at the mercy of such pigs! Money is a protection, a cloak; it can buy one quiet, and some sort of dignity.

He liked to think that beneath the world of money there is that great sluttish underworld where failure and success have no meaning; a sort of kingdom of ghosts where all are equal.

The modern god,--the only god in whom faith is preserved,--money, is here, in all its power, manifested in a single countenance.

Never let other people buy your drinks for you! The first commandment of the moneyless.

Money flows toward short term gain…and toward the over-exploitation of unregulated common resources. These tendencies are like the invisible hand of fate, guiding the hero in a Greek tragedy toward his inevitable doom.

Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell.