I’m perfectly all right. Yet there’s something ominous about turning sixty-five. Suddenly old age is not a phenomenon which will occur; it has occurred.
When you reach thirty, you realize its not the end of the world.
At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.
They nodded when the baker began to speak of loneliness, and of the sense of doubt and limitation that had come to him in the middle years.
When Youth lapses into error, it dares not look into the mirror of its conscience, whereas Ripe Old Age has already seen itself reflected there: therein lies the difference between these two ages of man.
When you get old, you can’t talk to people because they snap at you. That’s why you become deaf, so you won’t be able to hear people talking to you that way. That’s why old people die, eventually. People talk to them that way.
After a certain age every man is responsible for his face.
I thought when I was this age, I’d have nothing but time. But I find you’re running around like a blue-arsed fly.
I say – what I mean. I am an old woman. I do not have the time any longer to say things I do not mean.