Fear has always seemed to me to run a course, and at its climax the body and perhaps the spirit defend themselves by drawing on some new and fresh source of strength.
Their hearts were on the shipping lanes, running away from home.
Love—sexual roughhouse in fact—was the supreme elixir, the pain killer, the brightly colored pill that would put the spring back into his step, the joy of life in his heart.
She paid for her mobility with some loneliness.
Christmas is a sad season for the poor.
If people married for love, the world would not be a place in which to live, it would be a hospital for the mad.
And when it came Christmas morning, how could you explain it, how could you tell them that Santa Claus only visited the rich, that he didn't know about the good? How could you face them when all you had to give them was a balloon or a lollipop?
I think people ought to be able to dream big dreams about the future. I think people ought to be able to dream great dreams.
Making his way home by an uncommon route gave him the feeling that he was a pilgrim, an explorer, a man with a destiny, and he knew that he would find friends all along the way.