John Agard, quotes

let us not forget that going right back in our evolutionary DNA, poetry was the medium of utterance, ecstasy, a lullaby, an incantation, so before you had things written down, there was poetry. But somewhere along the line, particularly in the western tradition, the oral was cut off from the written, and then poetry began to be perceived as something abstract and airy fairy and not about the concrete fact. But let us face it: do we want to dwell in a world of concrete facts?

We are all creatures of language.

A lot of oral poetry is keyed into our heartbeat. The words you hear at your mother's lap. The utterance of words in the right order can excite, be thought-provoking.

By all means bless the towel that unfolds an infant like miraculous bread.

You'll be greeted by a nice cup of coffee when you get to heaven and strains of angelic harmony.

Bandage up me eye with me own history blind me to my own identity.